How to Check If Somebody Else Has Used Your Facebook Account and Other Security Tips

Facebook is a platform where you can enjoy chatting with persons from all over the can see their profile pictures, their cover photos, chat with them. Facebook is generally a source through which you can connect with your relatives, friends and any other personality. It is also a faster tool to deliver your message anywhere in the world within the seconds.
First thing is how to start messaging on Facebook.
the user needs to make an account on Facebook by clicking on the sign-up button.
then fill your data like first name, last name, phone number, password. You can also use your email address in place of a phone number. For email address, Go to Gmail or Yahoo to make your email address.
My review is to add email address instead using the phone number. After making your Facebook account you are ready to use it as messaging, to get updated from daily news by liking news pages.
but there is a problem where technology is progressing fast day by day, there is a big problem for Facebook Security. If you want to deliver some personal information to your friend or any other family member or any business partner, anyone who gets this information can use it in the wrong way. Hacking is a term which means to access someone data or personal information without its, I am here to provide you with some special thing I am going to tell you how can you make your account secure on Facebook.
so let,s start it.

Step by step instructions to design the security settings in Facebook 

Sign on to your Facebook account. 

Tap the "Record" connect situated in the upper right corner. 

In the drop-down menu, select "Record Settings". 

Tap the "Settings" tab. 

Discover the section "Record Security" and select it. 

The data appeared in the figure underneath will show up. 

Put a check in the case under Secure Browsing (https). In addition to other things, this will make remote associations more secure against adventures like "Fire-sheep". 

Put a check in the crate under When another PC or cell phone sign into this record. You will at that point be informed by email in the event that another person sign-in. 

Examine Most Recent Activity for unapproved utilization of your record. Data about the IP, program, and working arrangement of the last access to your record might be given.
